[Playlist] 꾸준히 사랑받는 노래_4

글 입력 2014.10.17 00:31
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꾸준히 사랑받는 노래_4

Lisa Ono - Pretty World

들으면 상큼한 곳에 있는 것 같은
편안하면서도 기분좋은 곡이다.
Beautiful 보다는 Pretty 라는 단어가 더 잘어울리는
예쁜 곡이다.
가사도 제목답게 귀엽고 예쁘다.


Why don't we take a little piece of summer sky 

Hang it on a tree? 

For that's the way to start to make a pretty world 

For you and for me 

And for the sun we'll find a lemon bright balloon 

You can hold the string 

Oh can't you see this little world of ours will be 

The prettiest things? 

We can gather rain enough from a stream 

To hold our happy faces 

If you want a breeze 

I'll blow you a kiss or two 

Take me in your arms 

And our little world will be the place of places 

Nothing else to make 

But breakfast and love 

We'll hang a little sign that just says 

Paradice population two 

I know together we can make a pretty world 

For me and for you 

For you 

That's what I'm longing to do 

To do 

To make a world with you


[장하원 에디터]

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