[Opinion] Psychogeographic Exercises[문화공간]

Walking the City
글 입력 2015.07.31 01:46
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 debord-guide1.jpg⊂ Guy Debord, Guide PychogIJographique de Paris, Source : Google image

Psychogeographic Exercises

Inspired by the Situationists of the 1950s, I chose two psychogeographic exercises two creative formats for walking and performed them in Utrecht.
Psychogeographic exercises have been developed as a tool to break through the fixed habits and patterns of moving in and through the city that we normally perform, to disrupt the way we normally experience the city and behave in the city, and to create a new experience of the city.
While performing these walks, a new experience of the city may arise. Maybe you will feel differently in and towards the city. Maybe you will see things in the city that you normally do not see or never notice. Maybe a new pattern of movement in the city, new patterns of behaviour or a new attitude towards aspects of the city arise in your body and mind. The outcomes of these walks are unsure: the purpose of them is precisely that I cannot predict what exactly will happen. You will choose two of the following four exercises to make a psychogeographic walk. Execute the two walks (preferably on two separate days) and walk for at least one hour. 

⊂ Psychogeographic exercises, Source : Google image

Creative formats for walking

 Take a map of the city you live in. Use a cup or another round object, and place it on the map. Draw a circle around the object. Go into town and try to walk this circle as precisely as possible. Don’t give up too easily when there are obstacles in your way. Try to be creative and resourceful to stick to the circle as closely as you can Go into the city. Choose a random starting point. Take a walk following these directions: turn right twice, and left once, and repeat. Take a map of a different city (Seoul? New York? Tokyo?) and use it to walk through the city where you live. Go into the city. Before you start walking decide where you are on the map now. Then choose a location on the map you would like to walk to. For example: The Eiffel Tower. Go and find the Eiffel Tower in Seoul, using this map.Walk to a colour: choose any colour. Go into the city and choose a random starting point for your walk. When you spot your colour walk to it and/or follow it, change directions whenever you like, as long as it is informed by spotting your colour.

During the walk, you can record what you experience and encounter in whatever way that you prefer and seems fit: you can take photos, make notes, record personal observations, you can make drawings of what you see, of perhaps find another way to (audio) visually report about your experience of the walk, and more particularly your experience of the city (people, objects, architecture, organisation, policy, practices etc.)
Walking the City
Emotional mapping

I chose two psychogeographic excises two creative formats for walking and performed them in Utrecht. As well as I follow the rule of this - I chose second and third, I made my own rule to create a new experience of the city. During my walk in Utrecht, I listened two kinds of music. In the first attempt, I focused on hearing music coming from the street. Fortunately, there were 3 festivals- Utrecht Jazz Festival, Klein New Orleans and Food truck Festival - on the day when I was performing this walk. So I could hear music in every corner. In the second attempt, I walked with the music I used to listen in Korea. 

24.05.2015 / 2.30 4.30 / 2h

Starting point : Janskerkhof

End point : Griftpark

The places where I came by are Janskerkhof (Utrecht Jazz Festival), Breedstraat (Klein New Orleans) and Griftpark (Food truck Festival TREK)I choose Janskerkhof as a random starting point. I took a walk following these directions : turn right twice, and left once, and repeat. When I was performing these walk, I focused on music coming from the street.

The day when I was performing this walk , It was good weather for outgoing, There were festivals everywhere in Utrecht. Empty squares have turned into stages, the road which full of cars turned into the street full of people. There are full of people in Utrecht. I could get a feel for humanity. 

⊂ Klein New Orleans(24 May 2015), Source : Y.H.Kim

⊂ Food Truck Festival(24 May 2015), Source : Y.H.Kim

During the walking, I had experienced the city with my friends who have difference cultural backgrounds. I have totally difference cultural backgrounds with Dutch. And there is difference in the way we enjoy a culture. It leaved much to be desired for me. 

  When I communicate with Dutch or people who have different cultural background, main topic was the difference between me and them. But this time, It had been different. I focused on sharing what I felt about the music. Experiencing music with them contributes me to overcome my limitations.

  When I walked in the street, I had felt that I am a stranger and foreigner not a resident and I didn’t mix with this city. However this time, I felt myself and the city are mingled.

25.05.2015 / 10.00 11.00 / 1h

Starting point : Dom tower

End point : Strand Oog in

I took a map of Seoul and use it to walk through Utrecht. Before I start walking I decide Namsan tower as where I am on the map now. I found Han-Gang park in Utrecht. When I experienced the city during the walk, I focused on music when I used to listen in Korea.

⊂ N Seoul Tower, Republic of Korea, Source : Google image
01.Domtoren10, (c) Willem Mes_Toerisme Utrecht Afgekocht.jpg
⊂ Dom Tower, Utrecht, Source : Google image

My hometown is Seoul. I have many memories with my lovely friends, and family in Seoul. Especially, I used to go Han-Gang park with my friends. It is my favorite thing of stress relief that watching panorama of Han-Gang with music. I missed my family and my friends back home. That is why I decide to find Han-Gang in Utrecht.

⊂ Hangang Park, Republic of Korea, Source : Google image

I was walking along the canal. Finally I found Han-Gang in Strand Oog In Al. seemingly, Strand Oog In Al differs from Han-Gang Park. There is the mile of golden sand instead of the grass in Strand Oog In. I can see magnificent skyscrapers view over Han-Gang park. Instead of view of skyscraper, I am able to admire natural scenery in Strand Oog In Al.

⊂ Strand Oog In Al, Utrecht, Source : Google image

Although there are differences, the reason why I choose this place as a Han-Gang Park is because of the atmosphere of the place. There are comfort, warmth and peace just like Han-Gang Park. There are many people who have some fun in the sunshine, who enjoy the moment with their friends. I just sat there and listened the music I used to listen in Korea, I felt like I am in my hometown, Seoul.

The value of listening music

When I first came in Utrecht, there was no one who I know in town. Living in totally different city is exciting, but somehow I felt lonely in the first time I 
came here. That song I listen in Korea conjures up memories of the good old days.
By remaining the mood and feeling of mine through the music, I construct my lonely life of Utrecht into well worth daily life. 

Music coming by street

Music coming from the street has encouraged the walker to take another look at a city. Music makes mood and atmosphere of space. Up-tempo music makes my shoulders move up and down. Sometime it makes me cry. Walking with listening music presents familiarity to unfamiliar streets and freshness to the street which I walk past every day.
  Listening music which I used to hear in Korea makes me feel like I am in sweet home and reminds me the memory of the feeling of the day I listened that music. It disrupts the way we normally experience the city and provides a new experience of the city.   


Michel de, Certeau. 1984. The Practice of Everyday Life



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