[Opinion] Graffiti tunnel in Utrecht, Netherlands [해외문화]

Is Graffiti Art or Crime ?
글 입력 2015.06.28 23:59
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12656580993_3dfcf44b48_z.jpg▲ Graffiti tunnel in Utrecht , 2014, Source : Google image

Graffiti Tunnel 
in Utrecht, Netherlands

 There is a wall of graffiti in Utrecht. The wall is actually part of a tunnel?a bike tunnel to be more specific in the Westplein area. These days, whole area in Utrecht is undergoing a lot of transformation and the tunnel is meant to be closed off as work on the Van Sijpesteijnkade moves forward.

▲ Graffiti tunnel in Utrecht , 2014, Source : Google image

However, the GroenLinks political party (GreenLeft) was arguing that the tunnel should remain in some form, specifically because of its graffiti. As councilman Pepijn Zwanenberg explained, This tunnel is known for the graffiti made by Utrecht artists, including KBTR. It is a unique place in the city, where you feel like you are in Berlin or New York. Zwanenberg sees the tunnel as part of the cultural heritage of the neighborhood and doesn want it to be lost. Rather than have the tunnel closed off, he suggests turning it into a space for a temporary or permanent gallery, music or exhibition space. To find the best way of transforming the tunnel, GroenLinks was recommending the creation of a design contest to get people directly involved. Despite his efforts, this tunnel is permanently closed on 5, January.

▲ The place where the graffiti tunnel was once, 2015, Source : Y.H.Kim

Opinion on
Graffiti tunnel

Graffiti in itself is art
 Public spaces can be places for individuals to express themselves. Some say graffiti is crime. Some that includes councilman say graffiti is art and more than just paintings on walls. Graffiti which many people disparage as a crime has become a public art. It has the credit of mainstream.

Revolutionary events take place in the street

 Does This show that the disorder of the street engenders another kind of order? The urban space of the street is a place for talk, given over as much to the exchange of words and signs as it is to the exchange things a place where speech becomes writing. 
 In the street, graffiti as art of public resists the neo-capitalist organization of consumption demonstrated by its power or repression. The thing is that graffiti work as a counter- public regardless what the artist intention is. 

Graffiti has potential to act as public sphere
 Public sphere is the way or the link to make publicness. The reason that graffiti tunnel has potential to act as a space for gathering and for dicusstion , is that because the publicness of public space derives from its openness and accessibitye and the graffiti tunnel sets off debates about issues of public interest. And furthermore, there was considering a solution 

Graffiti as an intervention promoted the public interest
 There were no protests and demonstrations. There were only paintings which are drawn by public. The painting itself protests capitalism and interacts with public and authority. Street artist fills the street with their artworks which are their voice, ideas, and opinions. Thereby participant in society with art creates counter-public.

Noblesse oblige
 Although, arguing the tunnel should remain might be the GroenLinks political party show to gain favor with voters. Even though, the graffiti tunnel was closed. when the power public stands for weak public, protesting capitalism gets more easier and there were more chances for people to make political claim and public recognition.

Henri lefebvre. From the city to urban society, 1970. 18-22
Zachary P Neal. Locating public space, 2009. 1-10
J.Y. Kim, A study on Art public features and Social Intervention by Keith Haring, 2009, 59-68
Alison. A Flamingo in Utrecht. Post, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 28 Jun. 2015. 

[Yeehyun Kim 에디터]

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