[Playlist] 가사에 집중하게 되는 노래_ POP1

글 입력 2014.09.14 23:03
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thoughts meander.jpg

가사에 집중하게 되는 노래_POP1

팝송을 듣다보면 영어로 된 가사의 내용을 잘 파악하기 힘들어도
'한 단어' 혹은 '짧은 문장'에 이끌려
가사가 어떤 내용인지 찾게되는 그런 노래들이 있다.


한 카페에서 
Are you a doctor?
Are you an artist?
Are you the man who cleans the man who cleans the streets when i'm in bed?

이 세 문장을 듣고나서
이 노래는 무슨 이야기를 하나 궁금해서 찾아 듣게 되었다.
그 후 가사를 다 외우게 된 노래.

여자아이가 한 남자아이와 서로 호감을 느꼈는데
알고보니 '마약밀수'를 하고
여자친구까지 있었더라는
슬프면서도 귀여운 노래다.

been flirting with you for a while
i like your eyes, i like your style
when you said you liked mine too
i thought i could get close to you
you called me often, made me laugh
(and)soon we had made dinner plans
we ate a lot and i got drunk
we closed the restaurant down
i was thinking "is it your place or mine?"
you said you didn't have the time
you said you had to work but it was already past2

*are you a doctor?
are you an artist?
are you the man 
who cleans the streets when i'm in bed?
are you a writer
do you drive a taxi until dawn?
(or) am i just too naive to know 
what's going on?

last friday i went out with friends
to hear my favorite dj spin
i danced until my feet got sore
then i saw you on the floor
i asked you to come dance with me
you said " i'd love to but you see,
even though you're looking fine,
i'm working. i don't have the time."
but you're not behind the bar,
you're not bouncing or parking cars
so tell me what exactly do you do


at carol's party last weekend
i brought you by to meet my friends
when we walked in, the room went dead
someone took me aside and said,
"i don't think he's you type,
he deals drugs every night
and besides that he has a girlfriend or two."

so, you're not a doctor
you're not an artist
you're not the man who cleans the streets
when i'm in bed, no,no
you're not a writer
you don't drive a taxi until dawn
i guess i was too naive to know
what's going on

ㅅㅡㅋㅡㄹㅣㄴㅅㅑㅅ 2014-09-14 ㅇㅗㅎㅜ 11.09.45.png

 Sunshine State 는 캐나다출신의
혼성그룹으로 어쿠스틱 기타 소리에
귀여운 여자꼬마같은 보컬의 음색이 매력적이다.

Nothing compares 2U
Newyear's kiss

이 두 곡도 가사가 귀엽고도 슬프기도 하다.


[장하원 에디터]

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