[Playlist] 가사에 집중하게 되는 노래_ POP3

글 입력 2014.09.15 09:19
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가사에 집중하게 되는 노래_ POP3

TravisWhy Does it always rain on me

I can't sleep tonight 으로 시작하는 이 노래는
Why does it always rain on me 를 반복한다.
내가 17살에 거짓말을 했기 때문이냐 라는 가사는
자신의 불행에 대해 너무 비관적으로 생각하지 않는 듯한 느낌도 준다.

행복해보이는 다른 사람들 속에서
나 혼자만 우울한 것 같을 때 들었던 노래다.

비까지 오는데 기분이 좋지 않은 날에 듣는다면
더더욱 공감이 되지 않을까?


I can't sleep tonight 

Everybody saying everything's alright

Still I can't close my eyes

I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights

Sunny days

Where have you gone

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen

Why does it always rain on me

Even when the sun is shining

I can't avoid the lightning

I can't stand myself

I'm being held up by invisible men

Still life on a shelf when

I got my mind on something else

Sunny days

Oh Where have you gone

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen

Why does it always rain on me

Even when the sun is shining

I can't avoid the lightning

Oh where did the blue skies go

And why is it raining so

It's so cold

I can't sleep tonight

Everybody saying everything's alright

Still I can't close my eyes

I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights

Sunny days

Oh Where have you gone

I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen

Why does it always rain on me

Even when the sun is shining

I can't avoid the lightning

Oh, where did the blue skies go?

And why is it raining so?

It's so cold

Why does it always rain on me

Is it because I lied when I was seventeen

Why does it always rain on me

Even when the sun is shining

I can't avoid the lightning

Why does it always rain on me

Why does it always rain on


[장하원 에디터]

<저작권자 ⓒ아트인사이트 & www.artinsight.co.kr 무단전재-재배포금지.>
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