[Playlist] 가사에 집중하게 되는 노래_POP4

글 입력 2014.09.17 00:44
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가사에 집중하게 되는 노래_POP4

Sue ThompsonSad Movie

'Saaaaad movie---'
어렸을 적
엄마의 흥얼거림에 자주 등장했던
sad movie.

얼마 전 식당에 들어갔는데
흘러나온 반가운 곡이다.

남자친구가 자신의 친구와 데이트하는 장면을 목격한다.
왜 우냐는 엄마에겐
슬픈영화를 봤다고 말한다.

잘못된 만남이
sad movie 라는 단어로 둔갑하다니!


Sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry 

He said he had to work so I went to the show alone 

They turned down the lights and turned the projector on 

And just as the news of the world started to begin 

I saw my darling and my best friend walk in 

Though I was sitting there they didn't see 

And so they sat right down in front of me 

When he kissed her lips I almost died 

And in the middle of the color cartoon I started to cry. 

Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry 

Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry 

And so I got up and slowly walked on home 

And mama saw the tears and said what's wrong?? 

And so to keep from telling her a lie 

I just said sa-a-a-d movies make me cry? 

Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry 

Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry 

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh 

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh 

Sa-a-a-d movies make me cry-y-y

[장하원 에디터]

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