[Playlist] 분위기에 빠져드는 노래_7

글 입력 2014.10.05 22:51
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thoughts meander.jpg

분위기에 빠져드는 노래_7

Paul Weller - Above the Clouds

가사가 굉장히 좋은 노래인데도 불구하고
나의 영어 실력이 부족한 탓인지 아니면
목소리가 약간은 흘러가는 듯한 느낌때문인지
가사가 명확하게 들리진 않는 것 같다.

약간은 헝크러진 듯한 목소리와
자유로운 연주는
정말 구름위에 있는 듯한 느낌을 준다.

Autumn blew its leaves at me,
Threatening winter as I walked.
Summer always goes so quick, Barely stopping like my thoughts.
Which dip and spin and change so fast
I have to wonder - Will I last.

Through the windows of the train,
I caught reflections of a paper cup,
Hanging small in a pale blue sky,
Never knowing which way's up.

Above the clouds, what's to be found,
I have to wonder - Will I be around.
As my anger shouts - At my own self doubt,
So a sadness creeps - Into my dreams
When you're scared of living - But afraid to die
I get scared of giving - And I must find the faith to beat it

I must be me that's rushing by,
Time just lingers on the wind.
Bristlin' through my open fears,
I wonder what it's going to bring.

Above the clouds, what's to be found,
I have to wonder - Will I be around.

Run and hide, run and hide
I catch the sail at evening's tide. 


[장하원 에디터]

<저작권자 ⓒ아트인사이트 & www.artinsight.co.kr 무단전재-재배포금지.>
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