(~10.02) Fashioning a Reign [해외문화, 영국]

글 입력 2016.07.25 22:51
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Fashioning a Reign : 
90 Years of Style from the Queen's Wardrobe


<전시 소개>

In celebration of The Queen's 90th birthday, three special exhibitions will be staged across each of Her Majesty's official residences during 2016. Fashioning a Reign will chart significant events in The Queen's life and the nation's history through an unprecedented collection of dress and accessories designed for these occasions, from childhood to the present day.

In total, over 150 outfits worn by The Queen will be presented across the three Palaces, with each special exhibition displaying a selection of outfits chosen because of their close association with the location.

The Queen's support of British couture and millinery will be highlighted through important pieces created for a world stage by renowned designers, including Sir Norman Hartnell, Sir Hardy Amies and Ian Thomas.

Fashioning a Reign : 
90 Years of Style from the Queen's Wardrobe

일시 : 2016년 7월 23일 ~ 10월 2일

시간 : 7,8월 09:15~19:45 / 9,10월 09:15~18:45

장소 : Buckingham Palace (버킹엄 궁전)

티켓 가격 : 어른 £21.50
학생 및 60세 이상 £19.60 
17세이하 및 장애우 £12.30

문의 : 전시관련 홈페이지 (링크)
관련 보도-Vogue (링크)
관련 보도-한국일보 (링크)

- Fashioning a Reign 90 Years of Style from the Queen's Wardrobe

<작품 사진>


[위나경 에디터]

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